I deliberately divided this look at my photographic exploits into two distinctly different posts. The first, published on September 1, was a bit of travel update as I was reflecting on the joys of my rare extended summer break. In contrast, this post might be interpreted as a minor brag about recent publications, updates to the website, and upcoming opportunities to participate in my photo workshops.
It’s been a while since I have authored a photography related article, but the long drought has finally ended. Nature Photographer Magazine published my article about keystone species in their 2018 Summer/Early Autumn issue. With a focus on the role of beavers in wetland communities, this article includes a number of photographs taken throughout the last few years.
While lightning rarely strikes twice in the same spot, I, evidently, can get more than one piece of work published in a season. In fact, the Grinnell College journal, Rootstalk, with its focus on “prairie culture, science, and the arts,” used my grassland sunrise photo for their cover art as well as an image of a summer bison within the pages. Much credit belongs to my former student Tim Brennhofer, who recommended my work to the managing editor of the journal.
As for website updates, I have finally published a new gallery of work that has taken nearly a year to edit. What was once 8500 pictures is now 54. If you have some time to kill, check out “The Wild BC Coast.” This series of images were made during the summer of 2017 when Tamy and I spent over a week on a small sailboat cruising channels and investigating rocky islands between mainland BC and Vancouver Island. If you likes marine mammals like whales, sea lions, otters, and foggy landscapes, you may find this body work interesting.
Workshops?…. yes, I actually use my teaching skills to help photographers too! Are you interested in picking my brain? Are you looking for some insight on ways to improve your nature photographs? Are you struggling with your camera and want to learn how to use it in a more deliberate manner? Well if this is you, or just want to hang out with fellow photographers, you can join me on one of two instructional workshops that I am teaching in October. The first, hosted by the Hardwood Creek Library in Forest Lake, will begin with a seminar on Friday October 5th followed by a morning of in the field instruction on Saturday October 6th. If this sounds interesting to you, please check out this link for information about how to register.
Finally, I will be co-hosting a destination wildlife photography workshop with my good friend and fellow photographer Brian Collins. The workshop, to be held at Crex Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary in Grantsburg WI, will be all about improving your skills as a wildlife photographer. Crex Meadows is a critical wetland habitat used by migrating waterfowl and sandhill cranes. Renowned for its autumn migratory spectacle, as many as 5000 cranes roost within the sanctuary’s boundaries. This will be a great opportunity to photograph birds in flight as we hope to capture take-offs at sunrise and landings at sunset. In addition to cranes there are always opportunities to photograph Canadian Geese, migratory flocks, and the occasional predator looking for a meal. Brian and I will teach you techniques of capturing wildlife, discuss key pieces of gear for making wildlife images, and will share our insights about where to be when the cranes are flying throughout the park. This workshop is being offered by West Photo in Minneapolis, MN, and is sponsored by Sony, Fujifilm, Manfroto, Tamron, and Blackrapid. Tuition is $75. If you are interested please check out the following link.
Parachuting Cranes, Crex Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary
Nikon D500 + Nikon 200-400mm VR Lens
©2000-2018 BTLeventhal.com / Bruce & Tamy Leventhal. All rights reserved. No image on this site may be used without permission.