Tip #59: It's About the Light

Sunrise Swan (Cygnus buccinator) - Crex Meadows, WI
Canon 5D MarkII + Canon 300mm f2.8IS L @ f3.2
Jim Brandenburg’s Chased by the Light, is the one photo-essay to have transformed the way I view nature and pursue photography. A body of work that still resonates with me in this rapidly evolving digital era, Brandenburg’s accomplishments continue to model the importance of willpower and vision. A pre-digital experiment in nature photo-journalism, the book is an seminal example of how a personal journey can produce a rich story about a time and place.  Not just any photo-a-day project, the author shot a single frame of Velvia slide film per day, in his study of the transition from the Autumnal Equinox to the Winter Solstice. Most striking is his juxtaposition of imagery with prose that conveys deep thoughts of conflict, confidence and fear throughout the photographic project. 

Sunrise Swan II (Cygnus buccinator) - Crex Meadows, WI
Canon 5D MarkII + Canon 300mm f2.8IS L @ f3.2
A must read, for those seeking inspiration or fresh start, Chase by the Light reminds us about the importance of perseverance, being there, and the good light.
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