Going Small with Fall

Here in Minnesota, Fall is the "Big Show." Having grown up in Southern California, I find the seasonal transition from Summer to Fall to be quite exciting. It seems as if no two Falls are the same, and each has a uniquely different duration and character. My inability to predict the intensity of the autumnal season makes Fall photography quite a challenge. 
During the summer I can grab my gear and shoot on a whim. In contrast, Fall coincides with a new school year, commitment to students, curriculum, and a complete contraction of personal time. Beautiful days, crisp air, and endless photographic opportunities now conspire to distract my focus. My conflict cuts so deep, that I think about teaching while shooting in the field, and photography while teaching students. What is wrong with is brain?
We pointed the Subaru Outback due North on an early Saturday morning and began our search for Fall. Although the colors did not disappoint, the light was less than flattering. The atmospherics of the sunrise were a bore, and the sky was free of clouds. A great day to frolic, a lousy one for photography. But it's Fall, it's unpredictable, and it's brief. We ignored the misfortunes of bad light, grabbed our telephotos, and focused on details. We shot small for Fall, and now dream about next year's "Big Show."
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